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How To Win, when everyone said you would amount to nothing!

blog blogging google healing kajabi ptsd retreats rise trauma underdog website winning Sep 20, 2019

He chooses the simple to confound the wise….
Why did you hand pick David…the smallest and youngest…the one who took care of the sheep, and was at his older brother’s beckon call?

Why did He choose Gideon….the most overlooked…yet..He chose him to save the people of Israel!

I have some insight into that….and some truth of what the Bible says…and some real life application!

Both David and Gideon had a strong reverence for the Lord. They never operated in their own power. They were smart enough and didn’t have an EGO that got in the way. That’s pretty much the gist of it….

I too, am the underdog….
I was told from a very young age that I had better marry a rich man and that my looks were all I had going for me.
Things were spoke over me that I carried well into adulthood.
I am not really excited about going back home to visit….because most of those people just can’t reconcile who I am now, with who I used to be…..

My family still looks at me as the girl who thought vicinity was a real place!
I was like 8 years old…honest mistake right?
The phone book said, “St. Paris, and vicinity”
and that has been the joke of my life…

Oh and then there’s the speech inpediment…
I couldn’t say my “R”‘s….
Perfect right? my name is Rachel….but it came out like “Wachel Swayton” and when I am tired, it slips out sometimes..
Oh and let’s not forget my lazy eye…
I had to wear these blue framed sunglases with both lenses popped out and then one of the sides I had to wear a red lense and switch it back and forth…

I mean so crossed eyed, can’t say my R’s….freak show!

But then God….

I spent 34 year’s trying to be something I wasn’t, because, my whole life people don’t me to “tone it down”….”stop trying to be the center of attention”…
But….God made me this way….and I found out that I AM A GENIUS!

When I met Jesus…I went all IN…..that is Step 1 of winning as the underdog….
you can’t fence ride this stuff people…you will end up with a sore crotch….that’s it!

And I realize my power and I started LIVING….I have been running ever since, hair on fire and all!
I became this shoot ready aim person…..Step 2 of winning as the Underdog…
JUST MOVE!! You will figure it out along the way!
Since I met Jesus in 2006….I went from broke, bankrupt, on food stamps, hated my husband, 4 kids that I couldn’t be present with to today…
Founder and Visionary of Women at the Well Ministries and Rise Movement Leadership Conferences. Author of 3 books, Mrs. Miami County, Competed in 6 figure competitions, 1 Fitness at the Arnold Classic, placing 5th, built a multi- million dollar nutrition business, owner of another business, just finished real estate courses…cuz, ya know….the Proverbs 31 chic was a realtor amongst other things.. in season. Put on 3 retreats, 4 Rise Conferences and working on Rise Conference #5 and Retreat #4. AND THE BEST PART….that husband that I hated….is now my best friend!

I am just a misfit….
Have you ever felt this way, or do you feel this way now?

I understand the way you feel, because I have felt the same way, but this is what I have found……
If commit a year of your life to our events, workshops, courses, books….you won’t recognize yourself in a year.

And, I’ll add one more tip and it comes from the Underdog cartoon….
“if at first you fail your deed, try again until you succeed!”

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